Wednesday 19 July 2017

design indaba food vendors

So remember we said we were not the only food vendor, well what sort of cool peeps would we be if we didn't sample the goods on your behalf.  Yes we did it for you not ourselves.

The indaba was made even better by the other awesome food vendors we worked next to such great personalities and given we are still newbies it was a pleasure to watch them work. 

The Cottage Cafe you must give Faro a raise.  That guy convinced us to spend so much money at your stall.  My personal favourite remains the chocolate orange fudge cake simply divine.  Looking at it you would think ah whatever but OH MY WORD.  Then the lemon meringue pie, the bacon chedder muffin, the lemonade the carrot cake the list goes on and on.  There were so many goodies at this stall.  We are officially hooked and will be regulars at your shop :-)  did I mention they also make veggie crisps, talk about the perfect low carb snack. 

On the other side we had an awesome French man who was killing it with the crepes.  Our favourite being the Nutella and banana one. yum yum yum.  They were sharing a stall with a lady that makes the best halloumi in town.  So yes if you love crepes and halloumi holla :-) 

Next to them was Pizzazz Pizza - Greystone Park I am proud to say we are very loyal customers of theirs :-)  we live for their lasagne, thai green curry, chocolate mousse and the wings the wings oh my word the wings.  If you haven't tried them what are you waiting for.  On Saturday they introduced us to some crazy tasty butter chicken yoh that chicken was lush.   OOO then on Friday they served up some mean lentil soup.  this is the second time we have tried lentil soup done in two different ways but we love them both. 

Right next to them was Porto's Takeaway they went right ahead and blessed us with some delicious pizza.  I am ashamed to say we are also loyal customers of theirs.  they used to operate in southerton which was great cause its where we hit our 9 to 5.  Awesome food served by awesome people. 

Last but not least PHOMO shame on us for waiting so long to get something from them.  They ran out of food so fast and for obvious reasons.  Their food stall had so much character you couldn't resist but to be drawn to them.

EEE but I lie how can we forget the peeps that kept us caffeinated Zimbarista delivered daily. Even though I didn't get my chai latte the mocha went down a treat.
Shame we had such a hectic and fun time this weekend and we look forward to being busy busy like that more often.
So hopefully if you missed the indaba I have created enough of a amazing picture for you to kick yourself for not having come through. However follow these awesome peeps on facebook to see what is happening or where to locate them and let us know if you enjoy the food as much as we did.

#foodies #zimbolove #burgerboyszw #kalifekemaburger #igndesignindaba

Tuesday 7 March 2017


So I am going to try really hard not to turn this into a venting session  lol, but I feel i need to say these things.

Its tough sometimes to get potential customers to understand that its really not as simple as us going to our meat supplier and saying " Hi mr butcher please can you prepare 50 beef patties 30 chicken patties" and thats us ready to come to an event.

We have spent a lot of time stuffing our faces in the name of RD, testing out different combinations of things to get our patties tasting just right for all of you.  In a way I suppose we should blame all of you lovers of all things burger boys, we are fat because of you :-)

Its hard enough to even decide how many of each type of burger to prep and I do not know how many times we have come with less boers because at a previous event only two people wanted boers then the next event EVERYONE IS ASKING FOR BOERS!!! hahahaha but its great cause it means you love a little of everything we do and you must have a fix of a little bit of everything once in a while.  We have not reached the levels we want with our boers as yet due to financial constraints but we have been speaking with a supplier and in the next month you will be getting a taste of sausages made by one of our business partners.  You can imagine how excited we are for this to happen.

Prepping is a mammoth task and aunty feels the brunt of it when she has to clean up after a prepping session.  Add the fact that our burger baby will want to "help" mommy make tomato jam or help daddy make bbq sauce.  Not to mention when a customer requests pineapple salsa or mushroom sauce, GUY WE MAKE IT ALL FROM SCRATCH.  Now because we want everything to be fresh we wake up at unGodly hours to make the caramalised onion, tomato jam, or our awesome whiskey bbq sauce and coffee rub and any other special condiments that customers would have asked for.

THERE IS SO MUCH WORK BEING DONE TO DELIVER.  I think this is the same with any small business that makes its own products.  Lets respect each others grind and pay what the proprieter believes their products is worth.  When you have a taste and you feel it is not value for money by all means stop buying but if you love it pay whats due.  As businesses grow they begin to enjoy reduced costs due to volumes that are being pushed so be sure to watch this space and eat and grow with us.

The ride may be bumpy but you def wont want to miss out.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

HAPPY 2017

So we had our first event of 2017 and oh my word you guys were not playing this weekend.  SO SO SO MUCH LOVE to each and every single one of you that pulled through and bought a burger.  You seriously kept us on our feet and had us pushing those orders out non stop.  Without you there would be n burger boys so you are all honestly appreciated.

Hustlers always has that awesome mix of chill and jol all in the same space.  Like seriously the artists I heard performing Zim has so many hidden gems that need to showcased and platforms like this have helped a group of friends turn their love of food into a legit business and for that we must thank the team at moto republik for continuing to give creatives a place to express themselves.  The 1st anniversary celebration of Hustlers was so dope and we wish you would celebrate in this way every month.  

Maybe its just me but i generally find non meat eaters to be seriously picky.  Not saying its a bad thing cause if you have to eat it, the least the food can do is taste nice.  So understand me when i say we are so stoked they raved about our pulled sweet potato burger WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP.  As burger boys even though we seriously love meat we want to be the go to burger peeps for everyone and that includes our veggie loving friends.  So if you are vegetarian dont hesitate to stop by our stall and let us hook you up.  We intend to do trials of a few other veggie combos to ensure you have as many options as our lovers of all things meat :-)


Thursday 3 November 2016


As a small business there is one thing we learnt early.  Its expensive running a business.  Like really expensive :-)  this fact has made it even more evident how important it is to tap into your network of family and friends for as much advice and help as you can get.  

Over the last ten months friends and family can confirm that we have either called asking for all hands on deck for no pay, or asking to borrow a truck to ferry our burger van to and from events, Or borrowing cooler boxes, crates, cutting boards, chaffing dishes for events when we would have forgotten things, not to mention the frantic calls when we are running out of onion and tomato.  Honestly it is own the Goodness of the Lord that has brought us this far.  Surrounding us with people that love and believe in us enough to help push our dream forward.

One of our business partners we have spoken of previously is Michelle.  This lady is phenomenal,  not only does she provide us with baked goods for events we attend, but she also comes along and helps us out prepping burgers chopping onion and lettuce,  whatever is needed she steps up.  LIKE HOW AMAZING IS THAT.

Linda is  the creative director of AMAZIMZIM let me tell you something this chic is the bomb.  She believes in our dream just as much as we do in hers.  Connections like this are so great because during times when you are feeling its just not moving in the right direction people like this remind you of how far you have come and how well you are doing and to keep up the good work.  She organised our first set of tees including running around to get the tees but also got the design fixed so a screen could be made.  And guess what she also always offers herself to help out when we need a hand at a BBZW event.  She is more than a friend she is a sister who we are thankful to have.

Swing on over to Kudzi now she is fams and she is a dietician,  when things are tight and we are short a man she always comes along to help out.  Now what I personally love about her,  she doesn't just say nice things she tells you real things that in all honesty we may overlook as a small business.  Honesty is so necessary for growth and we are so stoked to have people like this in our sphere.  Not to mention that she has come through for us at four of our gigs to lend a helping hand.

So what am I saying here.   I am saying that appreciate the people you have around you, no matter how big or small they may appear.  These people who hope and pray for only good things to come your way will help pave the way to your future success.

Friday 9 September 2016


So if you are lucky like we are we have a lot of friends and family that thug it out with us at various events.  This person in particular is extra special.  I have lost count of how many times we call the day before and we are like Mai toffy can you bake five trays of cupcakes for an event tomorrow and she has never let us down.

The biggest problem we generally face is that we are her biggest fans and somehow end up eating at least 6 cupcakes during events.

She has even motivated novice bakers like me to get baking and produce delectable treats like this

So if you have not tried these cupcakes please be sure to grab one next time we are at an event.  If you cant imagine waiting that long.  drop us a comment or inbox on any platform and we will hook you up :-)

Sunday 4 September 2016

The struggle

So if you have ever caught us at the end of a gig I am sure you see either shingi or kombo struggling to put the burger van back into a bakkie.  Somewhere in the background you will find two chics also randomly acting like they are helping but really they aren't LOL.   Like seriously this is one of those things on our wish list.  We wish we could put our burger van on a trailer and get it registered so we are simply towing it from point A to B.  though the long term goal is bigger this would be so huge.  This is one of the teething problems of a new business.  Where others would be like oh nah I aint carrying that, we are hustling and pushing on because we seriously believe in this dream.  So here is a take home.  Though the road to success with your dream may be bumpy and heavy at times.  Smile and keep pushing because each push is getting you closer to your breakthrough.  Then we will look back and giggle and tell our kids hard work surely pays.

Follow us on facebook :
Instagram and twitter @burgerboyszw

Thursday 1 September 2016


I almost do not believe I am trying to do this blog thing but hey it could be fun not just for me but anyone who cares to read it.

If you don't know who or what burger boys is, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!! ;-)

In short burger boys is made up of a group of friends that LOVE and LIVE for food.  Due to the struggle that is grinding for other people we took Oprah's words seriously.  Find something you love and find a way to make money by doing it.  So here we are carting our burger stand from gig to gig hoping for that break that will turn us into THE BURGER SPOT IN ZIMBABWE.

We are still small but with big dreams and ambitions, so come along and ride with us.  We promise once you get a taste you will be hooked.

Follow us on facebook :
Instagram and twitter @burgerboyszw

You will see all the up and coming events we will be at and other fun stuff we are doing at home